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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still apply to school if I live in a different local authority to that of the school?

Yes. All applicants are processed in the same way regardless of the Local Authority. Applications for school places can only be made through the LA where the child lives permanently and not through the LA where the school is based.

Does the distance I live away from school matter?

If none of the other priorities (LAC, Students with Medical Conditions, and brother or sister attending the same school) apply, then the application will be considered under this priority. 

Lots will be drawn if two children live exactly the same distance from our school. This is called the tie-breaker. This will be witnessed by an independent person.

Twins or other multiple birth siblings from the same family will be administered together. Where they are tied for the final place we will admit them all, exceeding the Published Admissions Number (PAN) for our school. 

Can I appeal?

If you have applied but not been offered a place at our school, you have the right to appeal. Our appeals are arranged by Leeds City Council. 

Appeals submitted for a reception place in the normal round will need to be received by Leeds City Council's deadline to guarantee being heard before the new school year starts.

Appeals against a decision for an in-year application can be submitted any time during the academic year. Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal request being received (where the application for a place has been refused and the right of appeal has been issued).

Where can I get more information about how the admissions process works?

The local authority also provides information on how the process works through booklets, via the Local Authority website and through advisors/ officers within the admissions teams. 

Does it make a difference when I apply for the school?

No, all applications are collated by the local authority and given to the school at the same time. 

Does putting only one preference mean I'm more likely to get in? 

No, all schools are allocated on how your child meets the admissions criteria and the number of school places available. If you do not get place in your only preference the local authority will offer you a place at a school that still has a places. This may be a long way from your home. Therefore, it is really important to request as many schools as possible, so you maximise your chances of getting a school of your choice. 


Am I in the catchment area?

The admissions criteria does not use catchment areas to decide whether a pupil receives a place.