Progression Documents
Our curriculum is built upon knowledge-rich learning and key skills which builds each term and year through a curriculum narrative carefully considered to help pupils develop and maintain connections in their learning. The below documents are the progression documents for each subject.
English Reading
English Writing
Maths Progression - 1. Number and Place value
Maths Progression - 2. Addition and Subtraction
Maths Progression - 3. Multiplication and Division
Maths Progression - 4. Number Fractions
Maths Progression - 5. Ratio and Proportion
Maths Progression - 6. Measurement
Maths Progression - 7. Geometry -Properties of shapes
Maths Progression - 8. Geometry - Position, direction and movement
Other Subjects
Art and Design Progression of Skills & Knowledge
Computing Progression of Skills & Knowledge
DT Progression of Skills & Knowledge
Geography Progression of Skills & Knowledge
History Progression of Skills & Knowledge
Music Progression of Skills & Knowledge
PE Progression of Skills & Knowledge