Sports Provision
At Nishkam High School we have a passionate belief in the value of sport and the impact that it can make in nurturing the values that are central to our beliefs.
All of our students have 1.6 hours of PE lessons each week, including sixth form students, within the curriculum. Additionally, students in Year 10 are also able to opt to study Sports studies. Students can also participate in sports fixtures each week against local schools and within year groups, this may include fixtures in basketball, netball, rounders, cricket, football, badminton, indoor athletics, indoor hockey and table tennis. Extra-curricular provision is also available at lunchtime and after school; this can include clubs for badminton, cricket, rounders, netball, football (both girls and boys) and athletics.
Nishkam High School constantly seeks new and creative ways in which to keep pupils engaged in sporting activities. We regularly review provision to ensure that it allows students to try new activities as well as develop their current interests and skills.