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Impact and review
The CEIAG team at Nishkam High School, are committed to continuing to maintain and develop a high-quality CEIAG provision. This is monitored via regular impact reports that include student, parent, teacher and employer feedback. Our students benefit from a range of opportunities to inform them of their possible career choices. This prepares them well for their future choices.
To provide feedback on any events and/or the overall careers programme at Nishkam High School, please select the corresponding feedback form below:
Students - provide your feedback here - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0cSshxNDPUKeL6H4_TAl9k8pYRRy1hZGiHZOppH7REVUNjIwQUJEUFZGTlg5SzRTUzRMVzZBRVRNRS4u
Parents/Carers, please provide your feedback here - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0cSshxNDPUKeL6H4_TAl9k8pYRRy1hZGiHZOppH7REVUNU9LWFkwOEtHMEI4V1pKQjFDSlVNTU9PMS4u
Employers, this one is for you- https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0cSshxNDPUKeL6H4_TAl9k8pYRRy1hZGiHZOppH7REVUQktMTEtZRkVaUUFaTVk4VjNVMEtQSkhGNS4u