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What A-level subjects can I study at Nishkam Sixth Form?

English Literature, Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Philosophy & Ethics, Business Studies, Economics and Psychology and Sociology, Applied IT, Applied Science and Applied Health & Social care.  The Extended Project Qualification EPQ is available during Year 12.

What GCSE Grades do I require?

'Please see the subjects offered page for our entry requirements.

How do I apply?

Applicants for Nishkam Sixth Form starting September 2024 should apply via the Apply page above, the link to the application portal will be updated.

Should you require any further information regarding the Sixth Form, please contact our admissions team or Mr Ruhe  (Head of Sixth Form) on 0121 348 7660 or alternatively through email

What are the Sixth Form Term dates and opening times?

Please email for further information.

What is the dress code? 

The dress code for Nishkam Sixth Form is smart business attire.

Why do you serve only vegetarian meals?

One of our core values is compassion to all beings. For this reason we would be untrue to our values if we were to allow any non-vegetarian food onto the school site. This stands for all staff and students members.

What do universities think?

We welcome the introduction of the Extended Project and would encourage

you to undertake one as it will help you develop independent study and research skills and ease the transition from school/college to higher education."

University of Cambridge


We believe that [the enrichment activities] can be the ‘extras’ that a student brings to the University, over and above the A-level results that secure them a place."

University of Birmingham

The school is part of a new movement which is seeking to offer students exciting alternative routes into higher education and employment. The Nishkam Trust is therefore engaged in discussions with employers and universities to plan courses and opportunities for sixth form students which accelerate their admission to work and higher education. The Trust is seeking to develop foundation degree courses, and is currently discussion to develop partnerships with leading universities, for students who would benefit from the additional challenge of working beyond A levels.


Progressing from Year 12 into Year 13

Pupils’ welfare is of paramount importance to us and we believe that regular attendance throughout the year is essential for their academic success and emotional development.  

Sixth form students should strive to achieve consistently good attendance, as poor attendance will affect academic attainment. Students should therefore aim for at least 96% attendance. An exemplary record of attendance says a huge amount about you as a person: that you are dedicated, well-motivated, organised and someone who takes their responsibilities seriously. Good attendance also plays an important part when applying to higher education establishments or future employment.  

Attendance affects both learning and student grades. Attendance below 90% equates to the loss of half a day per week and research suggests, nationally a drop of half a grade when sitting examinations. Below 80%; a full day per week and research suggests, a drop of one whole grade in the long run. References requested for UCAS, training courses and employers will include student's attendance record. If a student is in receipt of a bursary then this may also be impacted.  

In the case of a student's attendance being below 96%, this can form the grounds on which the school takes the decision to not allow a student to progress from Year 12 into Year 13.

Admissions Criteria and Supplementary Information Form

 If you have any queries you can call our Student Admissions team on 0121 348 7660