The Wolverhampton Sangat Education Trust (a Group of local academics, parents and business people) successfully applied to open Anand Primary School in 2013. After the first year of operation, WSET, in conjunction with the Department for Education, decided to join Nishkam School Trust, becoming Nishkam Primary School Wolverhampton in 2014. Lead by headteacher Mr Dhanjal, the school now has almost 300 children in years Reception to Year 5.
The school has a modern extension completed in 2014 to a Victorian building. The School is based just outside of the city centre in Wolverhampton.
The outside space has three playgrounds, a field and a forested area. Pupils are involved in growing and planting throughout the year. There is a covered area for early years which is a fantastic extension to the indoor classroom.
The spiritual space located on the balcony is used to reflect, celebrate and commemorate events. It is a peaceful place which celebrates diversity and brings together the school community.
Classrooms are light and airy, each room has its own reading area which is readily used by pupils. There are spaces for ICT and areas for interventions to support pupils in their learning.