Frequently Asked Questions
Can I still apply to school if I live in a different local authority to that of the school?
Yes. All applicants are processed in the same way regardless of the Local Authority. Applications for school places can only be made through the LA where the child lives permanently and not through the LA where the school is based.
Where can I find the criteria used to assess applications for Faith places?
How is the faith criteria determined? What if I supply additional information on the SIF form?
Guidance from the national School Admissions Code is used in creating objective and transparent faith admissions criteria. The School can only consider information in the SIF and the School Admissions criteria. Admissions
Does the distance I live away from the school matter?
If you are applying under the Open (Non-Faith) category the applications will be ranked by the distance you live from the school. If you are applying through the Faith category, distance away from the school is only used in ‘tie-brake’ circumstances.
If your child does not meet the criteria of the faith category, is it better to apply through the Open criteria?
It is your decision regarding which category you choose to apply under and depends on the distance you live from the school. It is possible your child may be placed on a lower ranking under the faith category than if you applied directly through the open category if you live nearer the school.
Can I appeal?
Appeals against a decision not to offer you a school place are administered by the School Appeals Team Full details are available on the following link:
Where can I get more information about how the admissions process works?
The local authority also provides information on how the process works through booklets, via the Local Authority website and through advisors/officers within the admissions teams.
Does it make a difference when I apply for the school?
No. All applications are collated by the local authority and given to the school at the same time.
Does putting only one preference mean I’m more likely to get in?
No. All schools are allocated on how your child meets the admissions criteria and the number of school places available. If you do not get a place in your only preference the local authority will offer you a place at a school that still has places. This may be a long way from your home. Therefore it is really important to request as many schools as possible, so you maximise your chances of getting a school of your choice.
How does the school check the Supplementary Information provided?
The Admissions Team checks all forms carefully and looks out for any false information. The team makes extra checks if notified about a fraudulent application. If someone is found to have provided false information to get a place at a certain school, then the offer of a place may be withdrawn, and the place offered to another child. If there is not sufficient information on the Supplementary Information Form it will be rejected and the application will be added to the open category.
Am I in the catchment area?
The admissions criteria does not use catchment areas to decide on whether a pupil receives a place.