Home School Agreement
Home School Agreement
2024 - 2025
At Nishkam School’s Multi-Academy Trust we believe that parents/carers are the first ’teachers’ of their children, and that we are called to support them.
We draw upon the faith and virtues nature of the school in order to support parents/carers in their task of nurturing their children in faith, love, academic excellence, and able to build strong meaningful relationships.
To continue to build upon our excellent pupil outcomes, we continually reflect on our practice and work towards improvements where necessary. We aim to work in partnership with parents/carers to support their child’s learning; we believe role-modelling good behaviour both at home and school is key to ensuring children flourish to become passionate learners. At Nishkam School’s Multi-Academy Trust we provide a caring, happy environment in which all children thrive and feel valued. We know that children need to feel safe and secure in order to learn well and we nurture a culture of mutual respect to develop such an environment. We have the highest expectations of all children to flourish in all areas of school life. We aim to develop a set of virtues, skills and attitudes in our pupils so that they are equipped for each phase of education as well as the challenges of life.
In order to achieve goals, you can expect the school to:
- Deliver a virtues-led curriculum designed to nurture both the academic and spiritual nature of every child;
- Ensure that all pupils can excel at school;
- Provide opportunities to learn both ‘about ‘and learn ‘from’ faith;
- Maintain a safe, caring and happy environment for all children where each child is equal, special and valued;
- Encourage and model respect for one another, for property and the environment both in and around school;
- Encourage positive behaviour and manage poor behaviour using our virtues led approach;
- Keep parents informed about the progress of their children;
- To work with parents to ensure that every child achieves excellent attendance.
Agreement for pupils
I will do my best to;
- Learn about virtues;
- Attend school every day wearing my full uniform and have the appropriate equipment;
- Be punctual to school and to all lessons;
- Look out for and help others; be kind and polite at all times;
- Take care of my property, equipment and my school environment;
- Tell an adult at school if I am worried or unhappy;
- Behave well in a safe way at all the times;
- To show good behaviour, kindness and respect to each other at all times;
- In class, to always be attentive and calm;
- To move quietly around the school;
- To remain calm and kind outside school and at home;
- Work hard, where possible, take part in school clubs and activities on offer.
Parent/Carer Code of Conduct
To help our child at school I/we will :
Support my child’s school attendance
- Support your child in your legal duty to achieve 100% attendance each year, ensuring that your child arrives and is collected on time every day;
- Inform the school of the reasons for absence;
- Make sure that any absence is clearly accounted for by telephone on each day of the absence. Avoid taking your child out of school for non-urgent medical or dental appointments. Ideally, these will be booked outside of the school day. If an appointment must take place during the school day, ensure that my child will return to school straight after the appointment to avoid missing valuable learning time;
- Contact the school office to complete a form and arrange to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the possibility of requesting a leave of absence during term time. This may not be authorised and any unauthorised absence will result in a serious fine;
- I understand that a reduction in attendance to 95% equates to a loss of learning for 9 school days a year;
- I will provide accurate and up-to-date contact details, updating the school if our details change.
Support and encourage positive behaviour
- Encourage positive behaviour in the home through positive language and role modelling;
- Correct poor behaviour both at home and in public places;
- Raise any concerns of my child’s behaviour or anything that may impact their behaviour with the school directly;
- Where behaviour is a concern, work in partnership with the school to support your child.
Supporting the Nishkam ethos, vision, virtues and learning opportunities
- Support my child with any homework and other home learning opportunities;
Recognise that Nishkam Education is a provider of faith education of a multi faith nature l where my child will participate in collective worship, Religious Education, and visits to places of worship;
- Respect that the school is vegetarian and ensure no fish, meat or egg products are allowed on site:
- Attend parents’ evenings to discuss my child’s progress;
- Provide a safe, secure and happy environment at home for my child, acknowledging that they learn at home;
- Treat all members of the school community with respect – setting a good example with speech and behaviour;
- Seek a peaceful solution to all issues.
Behaviour that will not be acceptable both in school, school grounds, school trips, or travelling to and from school:
- Disruption including swearing, or using offensive language, displaying a temper, or shouting at members of staff, pupils or other parents;
- Sending abusive messages to another member of the school community, including via text, email or social media; and/or posting defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments about the school, its staff or any member of its community, on social media platforms;
- Aggressive behaviour (including physically, verbally or in writing) towards another child or adult; and/ or use of physical punishment against your child ; disciplining another person’s child – please bring any behaviour incidents to a member of staff’s attention;
- Smoking, vaping, drinking alcohol, possessing or taking drugs (including legal highs) on the school premises or outside of the school gates.
- I understand that the failure of the above might result in my child losing his/her place in school.
I can confirm that my child and I have read, understood and will adhere to the guidance noted above.