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The Nishkam Curriculum aims to support pupils to learn about collaboration, peace, forgiveness and love through their academic subjects, faith practice and personal development.  

In addition, the curriculum will aim to secure in our pupils: 

Spiritual fulfilment through 

  • Learning how to lead a highly moral and ethical life through a virtues-led approach 
  • Learning about faith, as well as from the wisdom of faith, to make informed choices about faith life using the language of prayer, service and virtues 

The importance of equality including gender equality; respecting the dignity of all human beings 

Academic excellence through a broad and balanced set of knowledge-rich academic disciplines, underpinned by the National curriculum 

Excellent literacy and oracy skills which support success across the curriculum 

Effective global responsibility and outlook, which engenders peace, collaboration, love and forgiveness, with pupils contributing positively to society 

Highly developed skills

  • Reasoning  
  • Critical thinking - conceptualizing, applying, analysing, synthesising, evaluating information 
  • Creative thinking - developing ideas which are novel and useful 
  • Problem solving - accessing effective heuristics;  
  • Oracy and rhetoric – expressing and justifying opinions, asking questions and clarifying responses 
  • Flexibility and adaptability 

Independence and responsibility for their own learning core life skills