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Open events

In choosing the right school for your child, it is vital for you to be able to come and see us in school. Please see the dates and booking link for our open events below.

Please be aware that we may cancel open events at short notice should the COVID infection rate rise to what is deemed to be an unsafe level.

Open Events for Sixth Form (Year 12) in September 2026/2027: 

To be confirmed 

For information on how to apply for a sixth form place at NSWL in 26/27, please click the following link: 

The application process for 2025/26 will open (To be confirmed)

Open Events for Reception in September 2026/2027:

Open Events for Reception intake 2026/2027:

To be confirmed

We thank you for your interest in Nishkam School West London.

For information on how to apply please click on the following link

Open Events for Year 7 in September 2026/2027:

The Nishkam School West London is an all-through school. As we have now reached capacity in the Primary Phase, we no longer have a discrete admission process for Year 7. Our students in Year 6 simply advance a year. We, therefore, will not run an Open Evening during this academic year.

Should you wish to for your child to be considered for a place in the school, you will need to complete the in-year admission process.  As we are an over-subscribed school, your child would go on the waiting list. If a place becomes available, the waiting list is ranked using our admission criteria and a place is offered to the student at the top of the ranking. 

More information regarding admissions can be found at


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Nishkam School West London Secondary phase, Online Open Day Welcome Pt 1/3 (Teachers)


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Nishkam School West London Secondary phase, Online Open Day Welcome Pt 2/3 (Students)


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Nishkam School West London Secondary phase, Online Open Day Welcome Pt 3/3 (Parents) 

                                                                                                      Nishkam School West London                  Sixth form Prospectus


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Nishkam School West London Primary phase, Online Open Day Welcome Pt 1/3 (Teachers)


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Nishkam School West London Primary phase, Online Open Day Welcome Pt 2/3 (Students)


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Nishkam School West London Primary phase, Online Open Day Welcome Pt 3/3 (Parents)

Virtual Tour