GCSE Options
Dear Year 9 Students and Parents / Carers,
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Nishkam School West London GCSE options page. The purpose of this area of our website is to assist you in the process of choosing the courses that are the most suitable for you to follow over the next two years.
The following resources have been provided on this page to prepare you for choosing the right courses for the right reasons:
The options handbook
Links to support with careers information
Subject videos from our teachers, presenting all of the option courses on offer.
This is unquestionably one of the most important times in your educational life so far. It is important, therefore, that you make sure you research and consider your options carefully. Ask lots of questions and talk to as many well-informed people as possible, just as you would about any other important decision in your life.
Good luck with the process and remember, we are here to help and support you.
Options handbook
Please click on the image below to be directed to the Options Handbook 2024
Links to support with careers information
https://website.u-explore.com/ |
U-Explore is an independent and impartial national careers platform. Learners and parents/carers can log on to UExplore 24/7, via an internet connection, to access over 2,000 written and video job profiles across 14 industry sectors, real work environments and 360-degree Virtual Tours. |
www.ucas.com | Information about higher education courses and entry requirements. |
www.informedchoices.ac.uk | The Russell Group of Universities Guide to post 16 choices and university entry. Includes some GCSE requirements |
https://www.unifrog.org/ |
All Students have their own personal log in to the Uniform platform, and activities around it, are delivered during tutor time. It is a one-stop-shop for students across Key stage 3,4,& 5 for information on all routes post-16, no matter their interests or academic ability. |
https://amazingapprenticeships.com/ | Connecting schools, colleges and training providers with a National Apprenticeship Service in their area. |
Subject Presentations
Click on the subjects below to find out more.