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Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Please see below policies

Nishkam School is part of a pioneering group of academy schools with a Sikh ethos, multi-faith, virtues-led approach to education.  We welcome pupils of all religions and none and believe in the inclusion of all pupils regardless of their religion, ethnic background or level of ability.  We believe that every pupil, regardless of any barriers, has the potential to succeed.  We strive to develop their talents and help them to become thoughtful, caring individuals who will make a positive contribution in society.

Our SEND Coordinator is Ms P Pillay

E - 

T - 020 3141 8760

SEND Information Report

Our Special Educational Needs Information Report illustrates what we offer our children and young people with special educational needs (SEND).

Types of SEND we support are:

i. Cognition and Learning

This area focuses on the child’s ability to access learning and includes general learning difficulties and disabilities which impact on learning.

This may include but not exhaustive of; Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD). SpLD may include dyslexia (literacy difficulties) and dyscalculia (numeracy difficulties).

ii. Communication and Interaction

This area of need is how your child talks to, listens, responds, interacts with and learns from other children and adults.  Children identified with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) may display difficulties in communicating and understanding others and/or social situation.  For example, children with autism are likely to present specific difficulties with social interaction and language, communications and imagination, which can impact on how they relate to others.

iii. Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties

This broad area focuses on how a child is socially and emotional, including mental health needs. This may include children showing specific behaviours (being withdrawn, challenging, disruptive, disturbing) and can also include mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression, self-harming, eating disorders or physical disorders that are not medically explained. Other specific needs that may be included within this broad area are such as for example, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attachment Disorder.

iv. Sensory and/or Physical needs

This area includes children identified with disabilities which may prevent or hinder them from making progress or using the school’s educational facilities.  This may include: Visual Impairments, Hearing Impairments, Multi-Sensory Impairments, or a Physical Disability. Children may require specialist support and equipment to help them access their learning and the opportunities available to their peers.

SEND Provision

We provide all pupils with a fully inclusive approach to school life, whether this is within the classroom, at lunch or within extra-curricular activities. We pride ourselves on providing quality first teaching to all pupils.

We currently offer the following for pupils with SEND:

Universal Support: 

Inclusive, Quality First Teaching (QFT) for all pupils. This also includes appropriate differentiation and other changes that will enable pupils to access whole class teaching. This may include: environmental changes, accessibility of resources, peer and/or adult support, alternate methods to recording working, scaffolds (tools and resources to support learning and completion of work) or strategies to promote independency.

Quality First Teaching means:

  • The teacher has high expectations of every child in their class
  • Teaching and learning builds on from what every pupil already knows, is able to do and understands
  • Lessons are appropriately differentiated (adapted) so that all pupils can access learning
  • Where necessary, specific strategies (suggested by the SENDCo) to support your child to learn
  • On-going assessment to monitor progress and to identify any gaps in learning or understanding
  • Any particular needs or support is swiftly identified, planned for, carried out and then reviewed (see below ‘Graduated Approach’)

Targeted Support: 

All children have access to our universal support as outlined above. However, where a particular need has been identified, the approach to your child’s teaching and learning may become more personalised and their support may become more targeted.

Targeted support is additional, time-limited, tailored support programmes and/or interventions. Targeted support can be for any area of difficulty, including English, Maths and SEMH (social, emotional and mental health). 

Targeted support is normally carried out within a small group and is led by a Class Teacher or Assistant teacher. The sessions may take place in or out of class. All interventions are monitored and reviewed to ensure the expected impacted and progress has been made. These interventions can be fluid and reviewed at regular intervals to maximise progress.   

If the intended impact and progress has not been made, more specialist support may be put into place (see below).

Specialist Support: 

If a child is receiving universal and targeted support and not making the expected progress, advice and support may be sought from external agencies (please see below some of the external agencies we currently work with).

An increasingly individualised SEND programme will be created and more individual or small group adult-led targeted support will be given through the advice of the SENDCo and/or specialist. All specialist interventions are monitored and reviewed to ensure the expected impacted and progress has been made.

Graduated Approach:

At Nishkam School, all our teachers follow the Graduated Approach as part of our universal offer of Quality First Teaching. The Graduated Approach is a four-step cycle of: Assess, Plan, Do and Review.

This structure allows us to continuously assess children’s learning and progress, plan for next steps or additional provision (such as targeted interventions), carry out what we planned to do and continuously review for impact and progress. This cycle is continuously followed to ensure all children achieve. As parents, we will update you with progress and ensure you are part of your child’s educational journey every step of the way.

Where progress or expected impacted is not seen, more targeted or specialist interventions and support may be required (see ‘targeted support’ and ‘specialist support’ above).  In this case, the class teacher, SENDCo and parents would discuss next steps and the SENDCo may seek support from outside agencies.



Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

Q: What should I do if I think my child has particular educational needs?

  • In the first instance speak with your class teacher – tell us about your child and share your concerns
  • Together if required we will make a referral to  the  school SENDCo and arrange a meeting

Q: How will Nishkam School know if my child has special educational needs (SEND)?

If your child has already been identified with SEND and has transferred to us, we should have received information from their previous setting and any external agencies already involved. Please ensure you have arranged a meeting with the SENDCo to discuss your child’s needs.

If your child is already attending our school, we identify children with SEND through continuous assessment using the Graduated Approach (see ‘Graduated Approach’ above). Teachers will not only continuously assess your child’s academic achievements, but will closely observe their personal, emotional and social ones too. Any concerns are always discussed with both parents and SENDCo.

Q: What will happen if my child is identified as having special educational needs or a disability?

The SENDCo will meet with you, your child and other agencies who may or will be providing support.  We will discuss your child’s specific learning needs and create a plan of support for your child. This might include:

  • Differentiated learning approaches and resources
  • Environmental or physical adaptations
  • Additional or targeted support from subject specialists, Associate Teachers or external agencies
  • Referral for specialist assessment and/or support
  • Support for you

Q:  How will the school monitor and evaluate my child’s progress? 

We have high aspirations for all our pupils, including those with SEND.  We expect every pupil, regardless of their starting point/level of ability, to make progress within each academic year.

Progress will be monitored by:

  • Formal assessments in Maths and English (Reading and Writing) every term
  • Analysis of pupil progress data
  • Review of interventions/support – through the Graduated Approach (see above)
  • Feedback from parents and pupil
  • SENDCo reviewing provision for pupils with SEND and evaluating its intended impact
  • Review of IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) and EHCP’s (Educational Health Care Plan) where necessary

Q:  How will I know if my child is progressing? 

  • Parent Evenings - three times a year
  • End of year report
  • Review meetings for IEPs and EHCP’s
  • Informal updates given by SENDCo/ or class teacher during the term
  • We have an open door policy and welcome feedback and comments where appropriate at parent’s/carer’s request

Q: What will the school do if my child is making less progress than expected?

  • The Class Teacher will use the Graduated Approach to review and revise targets and provision. Existing targets/interventions/support will be adjusted and new targets/interventions/support will be put in place. Monitoring of these for impact and progress will take place.
  • The Class Teacher and/or SENDCo will meet with you and your child to discuss their progress, next steps and targets/interventions/support that has been adjusted.
  • Targets, strategies and/or activities will be shared with you to support your child at home.
  • If appropriate, referral for assessment/support from an external agency will be made. The SENDCo will discuss this with you and seek parental consent.

Q: How will Nishkam School help me to support my child? 

  • We work collaboratively with all our parents and involve them in every aspect of their child’s educational journey. If your child has been identified as having an additional need. We will support you by:

  • Meeting with you to discuss your child, their needs and next steps
  • Sharing targets, strategies and/or activities so you are aware of what your child is working on and that you can confidently support your child at home.
  • Sharing local webinars, drop-in sessions, training and support meetings for parents with child who have SEND.
  • Having an ‘open-door policy’. We welcome you to phone, email, message or arrange a meeting to speak to us about your child. No matter is too small or big – we are here to help and support you and your child.

Q: How will teaching staff know about my child’s needs and provide the right kind of support?

  • Information about your child and his/her particular needs will be shared with all teaching staff
  • All staff will receive ongoing training
  • All teaching will be based on the Quality First Teaching model
  • All teachers will be involved in regular assessments and reviews of all pupils and their provision using the Graduated Approach.
  • The SENDCo will work closely with class teachers to ensure the correct provision is in place for all pupils with SEND.
  • When transitioning to a new year group, your child’s previous class teacher will meet with their next class teacher to ensure all relevant and necessary information is shared.
  • When transitioning to a new school, the SENDCo will liaise with the new SENDCo and ensure all relevant information is sent to their new setting.

Q: How will the school curriculum and learning environment be adapted for my child if he/she has special educational needs and disability?

We believe that all pupils should have access to the full National Curriculum. As outlined in ‘universal support’, reasonable adjustments and necessary differentiation is part of Quality First Teaching for all pupils. Where necessary, targeted and specialist support will be put into place to ensure your child makes progress.

Where necessary, we will conduct regular sensory checks of the learning environment, and also ensure that the needs are met of any pupil with a physical disability or long-term medical condition.

Some exceptional cases require an extensive tailored curriculum and support plan. In these cases, this plan and level of support will be discussed collaboratively between you, your child and external agencies. 

Admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities

Children are admitted according to our Admissions Policy. The admission of pupils with disabilities is the same as those applied to pupils without disabilities. The school complies fully with the Equality Act and the School Admissions Code in relation to the arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils. Where the school is oversubscribed all children are admitted in accordance with the published oversubscription criteria. Where a child is disabled the school will make reasonable adjustments and provide auxiliary aids or services to ensure that no disabled child is placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to other pupils. Parents of children with disabilities are advised to speak to us prior to admission to discuss any reasonable adjustments required so we can plan accordingly.

Q: If my child has special educational needs or a disability, will they access to all of the activities on offer at the school?

Nishkam School believes strongly in inclusivity for all pupils.  We will do everything we can to ensure that your child is able to participate fully in all aspects of school life. All reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure your child has full access to all activities at school. 

Q: My child has an ongoing/long term medical condition – how will Nishkam School support him/her?

  • Arrange a meeting with yourself to gather all the necessary medical information/history and seek your first-hand knowledge
  • Establish an agreed written protocol alongside a lead medical professional 
  • Ensure staff receive relevant awareness training
  • Make arrangements, where possible, for special access/facilities
  • Supervise the consumption of any prescribed medications
  • Advise pupils on how to stay safe in the school environment
  • Provide a staff/peer mentor if required
  • Regular liaison/ review meetings with you, your child and any external agencies involved

Q:  What extra-curricular activities does the school offer?


  • KS1 Art Club
  • KS2 Art Club
  • Reading club
  • Coding club
  • Bhangra
  • Drama
  • Creative Writing
  • Touch typing
  • Handwriting
  • Gardening club


  • Badminton club
  • Vocational studies intervention session
  • Girls Football
  • Cricket
  • Cycle Award
  • Netball
  • Boys football
  • Golf
  • Hockey club
  • Girls Wild cats
  • Break club
  • Lunch club


External Agencies

Q: Which external agencies do the school work/have links with?



What they do

Education Psychology Service (EPS)

When/where necessary we will buy block packages into the EPS and have an Education Psychologist assigned, who will advise/ support the school.  

They will work with pupils who have more significant and complex needs.  They also provide staff with advice on teaching strategies, resources, and training for individuals/whole school.

Pupil and School Support Service (PSSS)

Nishkam School currently has a designated PSSS advisor supporting us. Our advisor visits the school for a half day every half term. 

They provide

  • school staff with advice on teaching strategies and resources, individual and whole school training to support pupils with difficulties in language, literacy and Maths.
  • individual assessments of pupils who are not making progress in language, literacy and maths and advise on next steps.

Speech and Language Therapy Service (SaLT)

SaLT work with pupils who have specific speech or language needs. Referrals are made by the GP or school. The services provide the school with advice on work that can be carried out in school as well as providing specific programmes in clinic.

Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

The Team supports pupils with social and communication difficulties or a formal diagnosis of Autism.  They provide individual and whole school training for staff with advice on teaching strategies, resources for pupils with Autism.  

We currently have a designated C.A.T advisor supporting us. All our teaching staff and a majority of dinner ladies received the Level 1 Autism awareness

Sensory Support Service

The service works supports pupils with visual or hearing impairments. Provide school with advice regarding resources and strategies to support children with sensory impairments.

All our teaching staff have received Deaf Awareness Training and Reception staff, SENDCo and SEND HLTA are currently undergoing weekly BSL (British Sign Language) training sessions.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

CAMHS support pupils with specific mental health issues e.g. anxiety/ depression.  Referrals can be made by the GP, School or Education Psychologist.

Physical Disabilities Support Services (PDSS)

Provide advice and support for staff working with individual children with physical needs. Referrals can be made by the GP and school. We currently have a designated PDSS advisor supporting the school. 

Health professionals

Provide advice and support for staff working with individual children with health needs.

  • School Nursing Team 
  • School Medical Service
  • School Immunisation Service
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Child Development Centre
  • Designated School Nurse supporting us.

School counsellor


Some pupils/parents have received support from other agencies either in their previous school or at Nishkam School these include:

  • Malachi Trust
  • Big Community
  • Think Family
  • Barnardos

Local Offer

Q: What is the Local Offer?

The Children and Families Bill requires every Local Authority to publish its Local Offer on its website from 1st September 2014.  The Local Offer will provide information on the range of services available in the area to meet the needs of all children, young people and parents across the 0-25 year age range.  You can access the Local Offer for your area by clicking on the appropriate link below:

London Borough Hounslow         

Ealing SEND Local offer

Useful SEND Links

Below are a list of useful website links that provide advice and resources to support children and families. - The National Autistic Society website, the main UK charity for supporting people with ASD and their families (contains lots of useful advice and resources). - A comprehensive site, with a useful resource library - Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. The Makaton Charity website provides a range of advice and resources for children and their families. -Symbolled resources for different topics and areas of life, including resources for fire safety and about visiting the doctors/dentists. - Information and advice on Dyslexia from The British Dyslexia Association. Dyslexia is a learning difference which primarily affects reading and writing skills and other areas such as organisational skills. - Information and advice on Dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty with mathematics, primarily arithmetic. - There are around two million people in the UK with sight problems. The pioneering work of the Royal National Institute of Blind People helps not just with braille, Talking Books and computer training, but with imaginative and practical solutions to everyday challenges. - The National Deaf Children’s Society is the only UK charity solely dedicated to providing support, information and advice for deaf children and young people, their families and professionals working with them. - Mental Health Foundation has on-line information about a range of Mental Health needs including anxiety, depression, ADHD etc. - Young Minds in the UK’s leading charity fighting children’s and young people’s mental health. The website provides a range of advice and resources for children and their families. - Advice and practical strategies to support those with sensory processing disorder - The Communication Trust is a coalition of over 50 not-for-profit organisation. Working together, these organisations support everyone who works with children and young people to support their speech, language and communication. On their website, you will find a range of advice and resources to explore. - Working memory refers to how we hold on to and work with information stored in short-term memory. We all use our working memory to learn and follow instructions. This website provides great examples of how to build the development of working memory. – Wolverhampton Outreach Service provide a range of resources to support parents and carers in managing structure, routine and home learning.