National Offer Day - Information for Reception cohort September 2025
Results of Primary Transfer Applications for September 2025 – 16 April 2025
Please see below information from the London Borough of Hounslow or contact your home local authority for more information.
Hounslow residents who applied on time will receive an email after 5pm on Wednesday 16th April 2025 with the results of their application.
Please wait until you have received the email before logging onto the eAdmissions website.
Emails will be staggered from 5pm onward, so exact timings cannot be guaranteed.
If you have been offered your first preference school, you will only receive the email notification.
If you have not been offered your first preference school, you will receive the email notification and a letter, sent by first class post on 16th April, giving you more information about the process.
What you need to do after 16th April 2025
- Accept your school place online by Wednesday 30th April 2025. To do this click on the “REPLY” button at the bottom of the e-Admissions email. This will take you to the e-Admissions website;
- Login with your username and password
- Accept your school place
- If you have not been offered your preferred school, you should still accept this school place. Accepting this place does not affect your chances of being offered a place at another school from the waiting list or your right of appeal. You can decline this place later on once you have a secured a place at another school. Declining the offer will not increase the chances of your child being offered a place at your preferred school.
- You should not decline the school place offered unless you have already secured a place at another school or made alternative arrangements for your child’s education e.g. private education. You will need to provide this information with your response.
Waiting list
We understand that it can be an anxious time waiting to hear if a place has been secured. Unfortunately, we have twice as many applications as we do places so therefore, we will have many parents that have not received a place at Nishkam School West London.
The waiting list will move up and down as offers are accepted or declined. If Nishkam School West London was ranked as a higher preference than the school you have been offered, you will automatically be on the waiting list until the 31st December 2025. Please note we do not give out waiting list position information as it can change on a daily basis. The waiting list will be ranked only when a place becomes available using the over subscription criteria. If you did not originally apply for this school and would like to join the waiting list please contact your home local authority and complete an SIF form if applying for a faith place. The waiting list is held in accordance with the admission criteria of the school, not in order of applications received.
To remain on the waiting list after 31 December 2025, you will need to complete an in-year common application form. All waiting lists are cleared at the end of each academic year, and no names are carried forward into the next academic year.
Waiting lists will not be created until all the acceptance and declines of offers is completed, and local authorities have exchanged information after the 11th May.
Your right to appeal
If your child has not been offered a place at Nishkam School West London, you have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel.
You can only lodge an appeal if you have;
- received notification that the local authority have not been able to offer you the school of your preference
- listed the school on your application form
Appeal forms and more information about appeals can be found of on our School Appeals page.
The closing date for primary appeals is 21st May 2025.
Any questions please email